Enterprise warp factor oneThis article is as real as your so-called life gets.

Good Kirk/Bad Kirk

The Enemy Within is an episode of Star Trek.

Plot Synopsis[]

It is the age-old trope of man vs. man, except in this case it involves the same man: the redoubtable Captain Jim Kirk.

In the first of many, many transporter accidents, Kirk is divided in two. One, a vicious, unthinking animal; the other, a vicious, unthinking animal with a taste for make-up.


This episode pointed up the need for shuttlecraft, and the Enterprise was so-equipped later in the first season.

This article is a stub because the previous author was a) unable to gather enough information on the subject, or b) too damn lazy to finish it!
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For canonites with no sense of humor, Memory Alpha has created a so-called article on The Enemy Within.